For more information, please contact: Jonathan Hendry 418A North 31st Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 Email: flash! or JONATHAN HENDRY INTRODUCES LIPODOC A REMEDY FOR TIGHT DISK SPACE PHILADELPHIA, JAN. 18, 1994 - Philadelphia, the city which brought you the soft pretzel, the cheese steak and the Fresh Prince. The only city where you can say "whiz with?" to a burly gentleman and not get punched. This fine city is now the birth place of yet another technological advance- LipoDoc LipoDoc is an effective and inexpensive means of easing overcrowding on your hard drive. LipoDoc allows you to reduce the space required by your online documentation by 50%-75%. Even though the documentation is compressed, LipoDoc allows you to access it almost as fast as uncompressed documentation. Also, Digital Librarian searches are just as fast as ever. LipoDoc can easily and painlessly save you 20-30 megabytes of drive space or more, for much less than the cost of a new, larger drive. The more you compress, the more you'll save. In addition to compressing the online documentation, LipoDoc can be used to compress and index any collection of rtf and rtfd files you may have. "But what if I mung my copy of LipoDoc? How do I access the files?", you ask, having heard nightmarish stories of other compression utilities. Fear not, I say. The documentation is still there, and is compressed with standard compression utilities which are shipped with NEXTSTEP. LipoDoc does not use any sort of virtual file or volume compression schemes. LipoDoc is perfect for people who... ...are using NEXTSTEP for Intel Processors on laptops with small drives ...use Renderman but always find their disks filling up with swapfile ...have had difficulty deciding between Shakespeare and a.b.p.e. LipoDoc will give you even more breathing room. In fact, it's good for anyone who would like a little more space on their drive. LipoDoc will be distributed as reasonably priced shareware. LipoDoc is currently in beta testing and will be released shortly. Upon release it will be available on the various NeXT-oriented archive sites. NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. All other brand names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.